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Tourism Gangneung EN - 솔향강릉

Travel to Gangneung

Prepare for your trip to Gangneung

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01 Nochusan Mojeongtap Trail

Cha Ok-sun relocated to Gangneung from Seoul after marrying a local man, and had four children. When two of her children died before her as a result of an unfortunate accident, she, of course, fell into despair. One day, a mountain god appeared before her in one of the dreams, and told her to build a tower with 3,000 stones to bring peace to her family. Cha Ok-sun finally accomplished this in 2011, and now people believe that when you earnestly make a wish here, it will come true.

#Stone tower #make-a-wish #3,000 stones
  • Address 1687-1, Daegi-ri, Wangsan-myeon, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
  • Call 033-640-5420
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02 Coffee Museum in Gangneung

The museum houses a wide range of rare coffee-related items from around the world including coffee roasters and grinders and espresso machines. You can also tour the Coffee Cupper Coffee Farm, which is where commercial coffee was produced for the first time in Korea, and take a look at the history of coffee with your own eyes. The museum also offers various experience programs related to coffee.

#History of coffee #Coffee Cupper Coffee Farm #coffee experience
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03 Charmsori Gramophone & Edison Science Museum

This is the world’s largest gramophone museum, with around 4,500 exhibits including the first gramophone developed by Thomas Edison on display. It has excellent value as a place of education that sheds light on the history and development of the gramophone.

#Thomas Edison #gramophone
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04 Gyeongpo Beach

Gyeongpo Beach has a long stretch of a sandy beach alongside the sea. Here, you can find Gyeongpodae Pavilion, which is the most famous of the 8 scenic spots of Gwandong, and the beach feels extra cozy as it is surrounded by pine trees, which are reminiscent of an exquisite folding screen. It is considered one of the best beaches on the east coast because of the relatively shallow water, white sandy beach, and perfect water temperature.

#Sea #the 8 scenic spots of Gwandong #pine
  • Address San 1-9, Anhyeon-dong, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
  • Call 033-640-4531
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